Zoom Meeting called to order by President, Marilou Moschetti at 9:30 a.m.
Kris Nardello reported on the coming event on Sunday, 11/12 at Castro Adobe. Fifteen volunteer demonstrators signed up to show various textile techniques including flax processing, spinning, stitching, Inkle loom, and tablet weaving. The Castro Adobe is open 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and offers monthly tours which can be signed up for online.
Guild Librarian Marsha Hein reported on the library being moved Sunday 11/12 to Extra Space Storage just off the Soquel Dr. (Dominican Hospital) exit. She plans on setting up regular hours for members to visit and browse, and is willing to make appointments as well. The library has been packed in such a way that books can still be checked out. Marsha will contact those who currently have books checked out since we do not have an in person meeting again until January. If anyone is available to volunteer to help with the move on Sunday, please let her know.
LeAnn Bjelle reported on the January workshop with world-renowned teacher Youngmin Lee, who will teach the Bojagi tradition and techniques. There are still three spaces available for the January 9th workshop. She is also the speaker at our January meeting.
Susan Penney gave the Treasurer’s report, explaining how Guild monies have been divided between a checking account, money market account, one-year 4% CD, and savings account. Said she can make Treasurer’s reports available to anyone who would like to see them.
Speaker, Cathleen Katte, was introduced by Marilou and gave a presentation on The History of Purses. At the end, many members shared the special purses that they had, as well. She mentioned two podcasts for those interested, Dressed – the History of Fashion and A Fashion History Timeline. She will send LeAnn the links.
Marilou brought up next year’s CNCH Conference, April 24-25, 2024. Suggested that lodging be reserved now using CNCH or SCTAG website.
Our Christmas Potluck is December 13 at Suzanne McLean’s.
Kris mentioned that the Rhonert Park class catalog is now available online.
Interest Groups:
Weaving: Joan Vierra thanked all who have helped out as she recovers from surgery. She said there has been interest in a weekend teaching class and she is willing to do that. Call her.
Stitchery: Next meeting 11/28/23, site TBD.
Dyeversities: Original meeting this month was to be at beach but because of rain forecast they are working to change the venue.
Basketry: Next meeting will be 3rd Friday in January in Scotts Valley, where they will be weaving hearts.
Spinning: Next meeting November 20th, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Clubhouse in Bruce’s mobile home park.
Adjourned 11:27 a.m.