Present on this Zoom meeting were: Current Officers -Marilou Moschetti, President; Bruce Fihe, Vice-President; Susan Penney, Treasurer; Kris Nardello, Secretary; Last year’s officers – Maggie Clark, Jennifer Dyer; Librarian/webmaster – Marsha Hein; Program chair – LeAnn Bjelle;
Susan Penney had earlier sent her treasurer’s report to all board members and copies of it are available upon request.
estate donations
– two estate donations, both restricted funds, will be combined to be used for guild workshops or presentations.
-CNCH says estates may request a letter acknowledging those donations as tax deductible as the organization is a non-profit and does have a tax ID number.
-currently difficult to count the number of lapsed members accurately because 2021 was a “free year” and all meetings were on Zoom due to Covid. So far, only 38 members have paid dues for the 2022-2023 year, putting us “in the red”
-lapsed members will not be able to use the current password for the Members Only section of the website after October 1
-members that wish to have their personal contact information removed from the roster in the Members Only section of our web site may contact the treasurer, Susan Penney, for now
-Amy Chirman, a retired librarian at UCSC, helping Marsha Hein organize our library and says 20% of our collection is not available anywhere else. Some are irreplaceable.
-all minutes from meetings will be made part of the library
-small committee needed to recommend book purchases
-Susan recommended $200/year for new books
-Maggie suggested each interest group write a paragraph-long synopsis about the books in their subject area
-special interest groups recommending 2-3 books
-Marilou suggested buying CD’s by textile artists to become part of library instead of expensive books
-storage is also an issue
-Marsha would like to bring a few books to each meeting, if possible on the topic of the presentation, to encourage greater use by members
-Maggie suggested requesting book donations from members
-LeAnn suggested mentioning our wonderful library as one of the perks of membership in our new member welcome letter
-Subject was tabled for now and will be revisited at a later date
Programs for 2022-2023
September-sharing what we’ve been working on followed in afternoon by Barbara Shapiro Hexagon basketry workshop
October-Play day
November-Amanda Gilvan on Nigerian Textiles on ZOOM
December-Christmas potluck at Suzanne McLean’s
January-Pam Hennerman on felting
February-Bonnie Britton on collections
March-Julie Kornblum on basketry
April-Kris Nardello on raising and using cochineal in Oaxaca, Mexico
May-Brenda Collins on spinning with a workshop
June-Picnic at Anna Jean Cummings Park, Soquel
Web master
-Marsha is leaving this position and we need a replacement
-Bruce has agreed to work with Jennifer Palm as our WebTeam
-Kris has suggested that this position should get a yearly stipend
Planning Calendar
-Bruce gave a presentation demonstrating how it could work for special interest groups and individuals
as well as currently developing an online speaker agreement
new member welcome
-Peg McCollough has been sending out cards made by Laura Rider with woven fabric swatches
-Sandy Giese will take over that job from Peg
-Maggie receives a notice of each new member from Susan and posts it to the Enchantment Committee
and a volunteer makes email or phone contact
Castro Adobe
-unclear of what and when they want it
-need a volunteer to be liaison
-Mibs need help unloading or assistant?
greeter at meetings
-LeAnn will ask Diane to take over for Kris
-Marsha says requests for sending out special announcements are becoming more frequent
-Susan needs a substitute for treasurer during the month of October
-Marilou will take over payments
Need Program Chair for 2023-2024
-LeAnn is leaving this position and would love to have one or two people share this important job
-this year’s program is all set
-Please consider this opportunity to reach out to some of your own favorites!
After-Meeting Clean Up Team
-HELP! We need help setting the room back in order after our meetings. All the chairs and tables need to be put away and floor swept. Please don’t leave those things for others. The room has to be empty and the way we found it.
Respectfully submitted, Kris Nardello, Secretary