Co-chairman, Joan Vierra, briefly welcomed everyone to the February meeting at 9:35. Though planned as a Play Day, it seemed to be prime time to organize our interest groups for future play days.
One new member, Mary Quinllin from Santa Cruz, was recognized. She was surrounded by lovely wheat weavings on the walls of her home.
Vice-president, Shar Brunston, and Marilou Moschetti have been working on organizing the tableau for CNCH, May 19-22. This will replace the usual fashion show on Friday evening of the conference. Each guild has been asked to take 5 minutes on stage to present weavings and other fiber work done by members. Our guild’s theme is “laundry” using a clothesline held by several members as a way to hang pieces for display while others carry out baskets filled with the items. Joan Near will be the narrator. You do not have to be attending the conference to have things in this tableau so contact Marilou or Shar if you’d like to participate. For those in this event, rehearsal will be held on Friday, 1:00-2:00.
Susan Penney has volunteered to be our Zoom Mistress. Thank you, Susan!
Marsha Hein, currently in charge of our website, gave a terrific presentation on navigating through it. She reminded us that anything underlined or blue is a live button which will connect you to that item when you click on it. Interest group news will be under About and each interest group is asked to send information about the group focus, location, time and dates of meet-ups to Marsha for the website.
Also, if you:
-need to know who will be presenting for the future or in the past, check the Calendar
-have a weaving problem and would like help from our members, post it in the comment section under Contact Us.
-took photos of a guild meeting or workshop or a project in progress/finished….Show & Tell
-want to buy or sell a used loom or other textile equipment……For Sale
-are interested in reading tips, watching tutorials, finding drafts……Shared ideas
-finding weaving teachers, videos, suppliers, local yarn shop, online communities…..Links
Our website is loaded with good stuff and it will continue to improve by additions from you!
Retzlaff Winery in Livermore will be hosting a day for spinners and a few vendors usually in early June. Keep checking for more information. It has been so much fun in the past and the raffle is great! Bring a hat, lunch and water. Wine is also available. Let’s carpool!
Show and Tell – Shar made a gorgeous sweater inspired by colors of the sky. The alpaca and fine wool used were dyed by Brenda of Pan’s Garden. She spun the DK weight 2-ply yarn and knitted it using a pattern from Sarah Swett. It fits beautifully and is super soft.
Peg McCollough showed a striking wedge weave rug with a card woven edge woven on her Gilmore loom.
Jennifer Palm showed a colorful ruana woven of art yarn she spun in double weave on a rigid heddle loom. Brenda of Pan’s Garden also dyed the wool for this.
Karen Golding showed a broken twill project in cotton currently being woven on a Flip (rigid heddle) Loom.
Mary Quinllin showed a flowing eco-printed silk scarf/shawl inspired by the use of flowers in India. She used red and yellow roses to make the printA.
Michelle Simon showed some wonderful little baskets and spoke briefly about customizing her new loom.
Break out Sessions for interest groups: basketry, weaving, tapestry, spinning and natural dyeing. It was wonderful to be able to visit several of these even during a Zoom meeting. (See the website for more information about each of these under About in the menu.)
Respectfully submitted, Kris Nardello, Secretary