Anna Jean Cummings Park, Soquel
The meeting was called to order at 10:25 by board member, Rachelle Weiss. There were 28 people at the meeting of which 2 were visitors and Jeri Monroe was a new member and attending for the first time.
Rachelle announced that the main order of business was the election of new officers for the 2021-2022 year. The slate of nominees was read by Laura Rider and seconded by Jennifer Dyer. The vote was unanimous and the new officers are:
Co-presidents – Joan Vierra and Maggie Clark Vice-president – Shar Brunston
Secretary – Kris Nardello Treasurer – Rachelle Weiss
Joan asked each new officer to introduce themselves and describe the duties of their office.
Old Business:
Joan Vierra announced the recent death of the husband of former member, Jennifer Larzelere. A condolence card will be sent on behalf of the guild.
New Business:
CNCH for May, 2022
Paraphrased excerpt from CNCH:
** Textile Tableaux. Instead of a fashion show, each guild will have some of their members appearing as a group in a fun, informal and non-traditional way — a tableau.
Here’s how it works:
Each guild presents a themed tableau.Coming onto stage one, two, three or all together to their own themed music, perhaps with props, they pose in their chosen tableau with woven items from the guild. The introductory and descriptive narration begins. Participants can be animated or hold a pose.Concluding, the group exits the stage to be seated in the audience to enjoy the next tableau. Joan described an idea of using a clothesline stretched across the stage and each item held up during its narrated description, then clothespinned to the line. After a short discussion, Maggie Clark called for a vote and Shar Brunston seconded it.
Members planning to attend the conference are urged to book their rooms now at the Marriott Hotel. It is important to go through Bob Dashi, conference co-chair, to arrange room. A link for booking at the conference rate is available in the CNCH newsletter. If you are looking for a roommate, post a note in the Members Only section of our guild webpage.
Joan offered thanks to all who were officers or held appointed positions within the guild for last year. Joan Near, presidentJennifer Dyer, vice presidentRachelle Weiss, treasurerLeAnn Bjelle, programsMibs Somerville, workshop coordinator and hospitalityJanet Pollack, librarianLaura Rider, historianMarsha Hein, webmistressCathy Walls, Santa Cruz Fair Handspun/Handwoven Dept. Chair
LeAnn announced some of the programs ahead beginning in September with our Sharing Meeting, followed by October with textile artist, Barbara Shapiro; November with art-to-wear artist, Rachel Clark. Others to be announced as the Covid restrictions change. We also hope to have a field trip to see Sally Fox in the near future. Members were asked to indicate their interest on a list of topics for future presentations. Many decisions are on hold until after June 15th. The Barbara Shapiro workshop needs a total of 12 participants and you may contact Mibs to sign up.
Cathy Walls reported that the fair is not officially happening yet, but that plans are going ahead as if it will happen from Sept. 15-19. Premium books are going to have the same divisions and classes as in 2019. Contact Cathy if you need a copy. She urged everyone to show off what they’ve been creating for the past 2 years. As of the present, it is not certain if Education Day will happen this year when school children attend with their whole class. Volunteers are needed for demonstrating outside. Cathy is also looking for someone to judge weaving entries.
Marsha Hein urged members to renew soon as the password for the Members Only section will be changing on Sept. 1. Marsha also mentioned that she has moved the most important reminders to the beginning of that section and that she would like to have more photos with comments/construction details.
Maggie Clark reported that there are two FaceBook pages now, SCTAG and SCTAG Chat. Please use the Chat for asking for advice or to ask questions.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 for lunch and more shopping, swapping and sharing. All leftover yarn was donated to a Montessori school art program. They were very grateful!
Respectfully submitted, Kris Nardello, secretary