Present: LeAnn Bjelle, Alexandra Emrick, Patrice Keet, Marilou Moschetti, Susan Penney, Elizabeth Schilling
LeAnn proposed approval for the meeting notes from the last general meeting, Patrice seconded, and the vote passed unanimously.
Susan presented a 2-year comparison for the fiscal years 2022-23 and 2023-24. The comparison wasn’t especially helpful because Susan had made some bookkeeping changes between these years (in 2023-24 she added the ‘rent’ for workshops in with the ‘workshop’ line rather than the ‘facility rental’). However, the main take away of the comparison was in 2022-23 we had more expenses than income and in 2023-24 we had more income than expenses. Reasons for the increased income in 2023-24 were:
an increase in membership, a successful fundraiser, interest on our CD and Money
Market accounts at Bay Federal as well as less foundational expenses.
Since the guild does not have a formal budget, Susan has asked Janette Gross, who has accounting experience, to help us with making one.
Marsha, our librarian, recently requested ideas for library books to add to our inventory.
Per a previous board meeting, Susan will remind Marsha to provide a library usage report, prior to the board approving additional book purchases.
The guild does not currently have a formal process for individuals and/or groups to request funds for guild activities. Elizabeth is going to provide some examples.
Holiday Party Planning
Elizabeth presented ideas for the holiday party in December. Theme: 70 Awesome Years. It will be in the large room at MCSC, and the rental is $45 over our regular rental fee plus $15 per hour. The overall budget for the holiday party will be $200.
Elizabeth requests a budget line item for the yearly holiday party.
A member of the guild suggested that the holiday party and the anniversary party be merged and be scheduled in January to free up the calendar in December, but it was decided the two parties would be held separately.
Susan introduced a motion to approve the holiday party, Patrice seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
70th Anniversary Celebration Planning
The discussion of the 70th Anniversary centered around having events spread across the entire year.
Internal events could include interviewing older members and past members about their memories of the guild, a trivia event/game about our history, team building, and member development.
External events include the metal/fiber show, and community outreach events such as MAH, local libraries, Castro adobe, and other venues. Outreach for 2025 should focus on attracting a younger audience. Patrice will compose a letter to the guild members for ideas on where to feature our work in the community.
Susan proposed changing the SCTAG bookmarks to list future events on the back. She will look into getting these printed. Susan proposed a motion to budget of $100 to get this done. Alex seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Marilou updated us on the preparation for the galley exhibit at CNCH. The submission deadline for exhibits is February. There will be People’s Choice Awards for the exhibits and we need to make the ribbons for it.
November Meeting
November change in the program: is to invite all interest groups to participate and drop the stash donations. LeAnn will follow up.
The next board meeting will be held on Monday, September 9, at 4:00 pm by Zoom.
Meeting called to a close at 4:00 pm.