SCTAG March Meeting


March 13, 2024    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm


Santa Cruz Friends Meetinghouse
225 Rooney St, Santa Cruz, CA, 95065

Fire Sky 2020 J.Gross

Topic: Weaving on the Wedge: A Personal Journey

Speaker: Janette Gross

Janette will take us on a journey, through photos of early Navajo wedge weaves, SCTAG member, Martha Stanley’s contribution to the technique, and contemporary wedge weaves including recent work from the Diné (Navajo) community. She will share her personal vision and how she has drawn from this ancient technique to create her own contemporary works. With intricate planning, and careful craftsmanship she tells us a woven story of her fascinating journey into the wedge.

Navajo Wedge Weave Blanket c. 1890

Janette Gross has been studying, weaving and exhibiting her wedge weave tapestries for 17 years. She is one of two Rydell Visual Arts Fellows for 2023 and the first weaver/tapestry artist to be selected in the fellowship’s 17 year history. Janette will bring samples of her own work, from her very first piece to the current ones, and encourages everyone to bring their own wedge weave work or purchased examples to share.