SCTAG November Meeting


November 8, 2023    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Topic: History of Purses

Speaker: Cathleen Katte

This is a Zoom meeting, the link will be sent about a week before the meeting.

We all take that purse that we carry with us as standard equipment, some ornate, others very utilitarian.  I’m sure we all spent a bit more than we should have on that special bag we just had to have.  Did you ever wonder about the history of “the bag”?  What did ladies and men (yes), use to carry their necessities with them when they were away from home?  You will find out the answers and the fascinating history of the evolution of the handbag as we know it today.

In our question answer time share a handbag that holds a special meaning for you.  Maybe its shape, material it’s made of, an antique bag.  Can’t wait to see what you have in your closet.

Please send an image or two of your handbag to share to our webmaster ( by Nov. 6.