Santa Cruz Textile Arts Guild
Minutes for January 11, 2023
President Marilou Moschetti welcomed the hearty group assembled between rain storms and the accompanying mudslides and flooding to hear the presentation by Camilla Henneman, felt artist and costumer.
Interest groups:
-Be Weave It or Not-Joan Vierra passed around a sign-up sheet for members to host the large group gatherings in their homes/studios on the first Tuesday of the month while the beginner group will continue to meet at her home on Tuesdays.
-Dyeversities-Peg announced the next group meeting would be at the Capitola Library at 10:00 on Jan. 18th. The focus will be on dye mushrooms with Kris Nardello.
-Basketeers-LeAnn reminded the group that they would be meeting at Carolyn’s house on Jan. 20th for a potluck lunch and planning for the next year.
-Frequent Flyers-Marilou mentioned that the spinners would welcome anyone interested in joining this group which meets at the community room at Bruce’s mobile home park in Live Oak on Jan. 26th at 10:00.
-Sew ’n Sews-The stitchers are meeting at Kris’ home on Jan. 17th.
-Eccentrics and Twisted Sisters members will continue on their independent schedules with the Eccentrics meeting weekly on Zoom and the TS group monthly as convenient.
February 8th
Bonnie Britton, “Adventure Travel in West Africa and Other Diversions”
March 8th
Julie Kornblum, “The Plastic of Our Lives”
Kris Nardello, “Reds, Glorious Reds: The Cultivation and Use of Cochineal in Oaxaca”
Natural Dyeing Workshop, afternoon following the meeting and the next day.
Sign up by contacting Mibs Somerville
May 10
Brenda Collins, “Designing Yarn” from a photo, movie, title, person, etc.
Workshop, afternoon following meeting with more information to follow
June 14
Annual Picnic and Yarn/Equipment Sale and Swap
Web Page Update
Bruce Fihe gave due credit to Marsha Hein’s collection and organization of information and resources for the web page which made his job much easier. There’s now a new library program, a new way to secure our personal contact information and a change in platform which opens up more options for navigating our web page and allows posting to Google Calendar.
-Interest groups now have their own sections. You can select by group for news of that group as well as a button for connecting to the group leader. It will also be possible to sign up and pay for workshops online.
-Members Only section will require an individual password which you’ll set up the first time you try to see the directory. Everyone may upload their own information and photo to that. Under “Account”, you may choose your privacy setting as well as totally opting out of listing any contact info, if that is your desire. First time-log in with your <first name.last name> or email address. (User name is not case sensitive, though your password will be.)
-Also, there’s now a global search function that looks like a magnifying glass icon.
Camilla Henneman was introduced and gave us an adventure-filled account of her
textile journey from early years of living in Santa Cruz and making art to sell at craft fairs to attending the Fashion Institute in Los Angeles and moving into creating costumes and Special Effects in the Hollywood movie industry. Such wonderful stories!
Show and Tell
LeAnn Bjelle showed a beautiful bamboo and wool scarf woven on her Ashford table loom.
Peg McCollough shared the rug that she had finished on an 8-harness Gilmore loom that she had recently adopted from the daughter of the original weaver. She intends to send the completed piece back to the daughter as a keepsake of her mother.
Mary Quillin brought some of her very delicate, Celtic-inspired wheat weavings to share.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris Nardello, Secretary