Notes from the President – June, 2019

We had a great turnout, wonderful sharing and fabulous food at our June year-end party! Plus, it was refreshingly cool among the redwoods at Martha’s studio. Thanks, Martha, for once again hosting!!

We also had an active indigo dye pot (thanks, Kris!) which I’m remembering fondly as I try to get the blue smear off of my arm. Haha

We unanimously elected a new Board for the Guild: Joan Near (moi)  moves up from Vice President, Jennifer Dyer is now Vice President and guild Liaison to CNCH, Lyn Chambers will take on Secretary’s duties (and in September will begin taking notes in the business portion of our meetings, plus record our board meetings), and Rachelle Weiss continues as Treasurer, which is great because she’s so good at it.

The Board will review next year’s budget and have it available for members to view.

We usually get an update on next season’s exciting programs from Marilou, but she had a family issue and so you can peruse the upcoming events elsewhere on this site. The Programs position is not easy so a big thank you to Marilou for again lining up such a great year. Anyone who wants to help Marilou, please email her. She needs the help and we’d all be so grateful to you for stepping up!

We also had a fantastic response, from new and old members alike, to the idea of a beginner/refresher study group. The idea right now is to extend our stay at the Aptos location so that right after the meetings there,  this group — and even a second study group, there’s room! — can gather at a convenient and inexpensive location and time.

I plan to email all the sign-ups (right after the CNCH Conference, she said sweatily!) to get ideas for the first meeting. If you want to be on this email list, just contact me & you’re in.

I was thinking of perhaps a warping demo for the first meeting, and also it helps if everyone is on the same page, so maybe a simple project like towels that everyone can try. Over the summer I’ll arrange loaner looms and other details for those in need.

We also had a great response to our investment plan for the John Marshall classic indigo collection. But, alas, so far, not enough. We have 11 out of 20 slots filled. For $45 you get to “own” this incredible book-and-samples set for a full month as it rotates through all investors. Such a deal! We’d love to buy it directly from John when some of our members are at his workshops this summer, so think about helping us make it. happen!

Okay, see you in September! And do email me with any and everything!! —Joan Near

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