SCTAG Meeting Minutes

Co-president Joan Vierra opened the meeting with a welcome to all members returning after our summer break. Covid-19 protocols have changed our plans for an in-person meeting, but it was decided to err on the side of caution until it was deemed safe. Zoom meetings do allow more members to join in where they may not have been able to attend otherwise.

LeAnne Bjelle gave a short report on the discussions of the Enchantment Committee especially thoughts on ways of attracting more members and making our ten new members feel more welcome. Some ideas suggested were in-person demonstrations at the Santa Cruz Natural History Museum during HGA’s National Spinning and Weaving Week, bringing a friend to a meeting and presenting new members with a Welcome Packet.

Maggie Clark gave a report about the latest events for the tapestry group, The Eccentrics. Many of those members are taking part in the American Tapestry Alliance’s postcard exchange. Participants are paired with another ATA member to make 5”x7” sized weavings, sew them to a cardboard backing and send them through the mail to each other. Some of the partners were in other countries, states or regions of California. The goal was to make new connections, exchange ideas and form new friendships.

Two of our SCTAG members will have tapestries shown in the latest Tapestry Weavers West show, “More Impact: Climate Change” at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. The show opens Sept. 22 and will be on view until January 2, 2022. Janette Gross’ piece is entitled The Last Iceberg and Yonat Michaelov’s is Witnessing. Both of these are stunning tapestries with powerful messages.

Shar Brunston, our vice-president, reminded everyone to make their Marriott room reservations soon for the CNCH conference in May, 2022, in order to get the special discount rate. She will bring back more news after the luncheon, so stay tuned.

Because of the uncertainty created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the board is considering a different location for the meetings in 2022 so that we will not forfeit 50% of the rental cost of the Aptos Village Park every time if we need to cancel and hold a Zoom meeting instead. This was especially significant recently when we canceled the facility for the October meeting and the 1 1/2 day workshop afterwards. Rachelle Weiss, our treasurer, reports that …”the guild lost $153 for that cancellation.” Any changes in venue, however, will be announced in advance on both our web page and in the meeting reminder.

Following the business meeting, we had a lively Show and Tell for the next hour. It was just great to see the beautiful projects completed over the summer by our talented and creative guild. Hurrah for SCTAG!

Respectfully submitted, Kris Nardello, Secretary

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