Board Meeting Minutes – March 11, 2024

Meeting called to order at 4:00 p.m.

Present: Marilou Moschetti, Bruce Fihe, Susan Penny, Joan Vierra, Amy Chirman, Marsha Hein

Marilou showed the donated items that have been gathered for the guild’s CNCH basket, which will be auctioned off as part of the annual conference scholarship fundraiser event.

SCTAG is part of CNCH’s Area 1, which will be hosting the 2025 CNCH at Asilomar.

Bylaws: Over the last few months, the Board has worked to update this document. All members have provided input and have read the draft presented at this meeting. An opportunity for further discussion was provided and one change was made, adjusting the language regarding the July and August meetings to being scheduled as needed by the Guild, in place of not occurring at all. A motion was made to approve this change; the motion was seconded, and the vote passed unanimously. A motion was made to approve the updated Bylaws; motion was seconded, and the vote passed unanimously. Bruce will send the Bylaws to all active members and ask them to arrive at the next general meeting having read the Bylaws and prepared to vote on approval.

Mid-County Senior Center (MCSC): The Guild will be relocating to the MCSC for general meetings effective May 2024. The Annex room will be used, which has a kitchenette, allows food and drink on site, has a sound system and a large-screen TV that can be used at Guild meetings as needed, has lots of tables and chairs, and plentiful parking. The MCSC also has a large garden with rentable plots, which the Dyeversities may want to engage with for their dye plants garden goal. Since some of the special interest groups are bursting at their meeting location seams, it will be possible for those groups to rent the Annex for their meetings should they desire to fund doing so. It will also be possible to rent the Annex for July and August meetings, if the Guild decides to meet during those months.

Library: The MCSC Annex will house the Guild library, allowing members to access the print collection at meetings for the first time in the Guild’s history.  For the time being, the library is in storage while the bookcases are being configured to lock when not in use since the Annex is available for rent by the public. The library will be shelved and ready for borrowing before the May general meeting. The rental fee to store the library in the MCSC Annex is $40 per month, so a “Pocket Change for Library Storage” jar will be made available to members at general meetings so that pocket change donations can be made toward the monthly rental fee.

Lodging Cap for Guest Presenters: A proposal was made to cap the lodging honorarium for a guest presenter from out of town at $150 and limited to one night only, and the one lunch meal honorarium for same presenter capped at $20. This proposal was seconded, and the vote passed unanimously.

Equipment List: This list is still being developed. Once it has been completed, it will be made available to members on the Guild website.

Programs: The next Programs Chair and committee members have been identified. They will be announced in time for members to prepare to vote for the next Board.

Open Board Seats: The Guild is still in need of a President, Vice President, and Secretary for the upcoming year. This fact will be announced at general meetings until members to hold these positions have been identified.

Name Tags: It’s possible that name tags will shift from lanyard to magnetic to reduce lanyard tangle that sometimes occurs. Susan will cost out magnetic name tags and report back to the Board.

Ann Blinks Collection: Marsha (Guild Librarian) will describe the collection at the next general meeting and ask for interested members to form a committee to take on further organization of the Ann Blinks collection, which hasn’t been touched for many years. If nobody steps forward to take this on, the collection will be either offered to a textiles archive or be destroyed due to lack of interest.

Meeting called to a close at 5:30 p.m.

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