SCTAG February Workshop


February 12, 2025    
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Mid-County Senior Center
829 Bay Ave, Capitola, CA, 95010

Topic: Introduction to Hardangersøm (Norwegian Hardanger Embroidery)

This workshop will teach the participants the fundamentals of Norwegian Hardanger embroidery. Participants will complete a small starter project. There is an optional take-home project suitable to be used as a Christmas tree ornament.

The workshop will continue on Saturday, February 15 from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM at the Villa Santa Cruz Clubhouse.

Click here to register

Starter Project

Speaker: Bruce Fihe

Cost: Workshop fee – $60.00 + Materials fee – $20.00

Materials and Supplies:

The Instructor will provide:

  • substrate cloth
  • thread
  • needles
  • needle threader

Students should provide:

  • small embroidery scissors (quality counts here)
  • (optional) hands-free magnifier with light
  • (optional) embroidery hoop

Notes from instructor: I used to do Hardangersøm without a magnifier, but now need that aid. If you can easily count the threads of 22 per inch cloth, this aid may not be needed.

Hardangersøm is traditionally done without an embroidery hoop (this is how I work), but some find a hoop helpful. You will be working on a 6″x6″ cloth, so a 4″ to 5″ diameter hoop would be appropriate.

The following links are examples only, not any type of product inducement:

Optional take-home projects:

Pre-order for these kits is on the registration form and is required.