Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m.
Members were invited to share recently completed work. Kris N. shared a skein of naturally dyed red yarn, Peg M. shared a baby blanket with an overshot pattern, and Bruce F. shared a Bojagi piece and Sashiko work on a pair of blue jeans.
Guests, new members, and returning members were invited to introduce themselves.
The Secretary/Historian shared the Information Binder which is available at all Guild meetings. This binder contains past meeting Minutes, Treasurer reports, a list of items in the Guild library, and CNCH Byaws. Once the SCTAG Bylaws have been updated and Board job descriptions are finalized, those documents will be included in the binder. This information will also be available on the SCTAG website, and Treasurer reports can be obtained upon request from the Treasurer.
Guild Bylaws are in the process of being updated. Board job descriptions and Volunteer opportunity position descriptions are being written.
The annual election of Board Officers is upcoming, at the June meeting. Open positions are President, Programs, and Secretary. Two volunteers are needed for the elections committee, which LeAnn B. will lead, to identify potential Board candidates. Speak with Marilou M. if you are able to participate on this committee or are interested in one of the open Board positions. There are also non-Board volunteer positions available.
The Treasurer’s report was provided.
Member Janette G, recipient of the current Rydell Visual Arts Fellowship for her wedge weave work, will be providing a tour of her work and more on exhibit at Santa Cruz’s Museum of Art and History. This event will take place at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 1.
Librarian Marsha H. reported that use of the Guild library collection is up. The library is available online in the Members Only section, where items can be searched for and checked out as with any other library. Item pick-up and drop-off can be arranged with Marsha by phone (see Member Directory on the Guild website) or email (sctaglibrarian at gmail dot com). On-site visits to the Guild library can also be arranged with Marsha.
CNCH 2024: Our silent auction basket theme for this year’s conference is Color and Texture. We have a donation of a skein of multi-colored yarn and we are in need of additional items. Joan will review our small textile arts tools currently in storage to see if anything from there can be added to the basket. Possibly a book on color in textile arts is available for inclusion in the basket.
CNCH 2025: Ours is one of the area guilds hosting the 2025 conference. We will help co-present galleries, displays, and other events. Volunteers will be needed. The conference will take place at Asilomar.
Also in 2025, SCTAG will celebrate its 70th anniversary. An opportunity to market the Guild and its history will take place at the upcoming Pajaro Valley Quilt Association’s annual show (see below).
The Pajaro Valley Quilt Association annual show will take place Sat./Sun. Feb. 24-25 at the County Fairgrounds. SCTAG will have a table in the Vendors Hall with items made by our members for sale.
There will also be an opportunity for SCTAG to showcase itself and its upcoming 70th anniversary during a 45-minute presentation being organized by Peg M. Contact Peg if you’d like to participate in this presentation.
Interest Group Updates
The Sew & Sews stitchery group has a new meeting location. Contact Elizabeth S. for more information.
The Dyeversities natural dye group will be meeting at the Scotts Valley Library. Contact Peg M. for more information. This group is also looking for a potential dye plants garden location.
The Frequent Flyers spinners group will meet next on March 4. January’s meeting focused on cotton. A linen day is being planned. A tour of a local Alpaca ranch is also in the works and will take place on a weekday afternoon.
The Basketeers basketry group’s next gathering will focus on making pine needle baskets.
The Be Weave It or Not beginning weavers group is carrying on, its members working on various projects at Joan V.’s studio and on their home looms. The next all weavers group gathering will take place at Patrice K.’s home on March 5.
Kris N. brought up the annual Castro Adobe open house. Last year’s event was a huge success, everyone had a great time and our members showcasing their fiber arts skills got a great response. The next open house will likely be a weekend in November; Kris will contact Castro Adobe staff to verify dates and will let us know. Guild members are invited to participate, it’s great publicity for SCTAG. The event also draws visitors from outside the county.
Bruce F. brought up the Guild’s equipment list that is currently being updated. A system for members to borrow equipment from this collection is the next step. More information will be provided as this system is developed.
Gudrun P. described a book she has been reading that includes information about the Ann Blinks and her weaving samples collection, which is part of the Guild’s library. The title/author of the book is Weaving Textiles That Shape Themselves by Ann Richardson. Gudrun also mentioned that Maggie C. has Martha S.’s split-weave items and some of her tools.
Today’s Play Day workshops are: Nalbinding with Bruce F., Pin Looms with Pat L., and a Card-Woven Edge demo with Peg M. and Janette G.
March’s workshop will be on wedge weaving, presented by Janette G.
April’s general meeting will be about botanical printing and dyeing on silk with presenter Mayumi Fujio.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.